May 10, 2024

In the pursuit of innovative treatments for depression, researchers are delving into the potential synergy between Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide (NAD+) and Ketamine. There are compelling reasons to believe that NAD+ supplementation could enhance IV ketamine infusions.

Here’s how: 

  1. Neuroprotection: NAD+ has emerged as a key player in promoting cellular resilience and protecting against neuronal damage. Its ability to enhance cellular metabolism and reduce oxidative stress suggests a potential role in shielding neurons from glutamate excitotoxicity, a phenomenon linked to depression. By preserving neuronal integrity and function, NAD+ may complement the antidepressant actions of ketamine.
  2. Synaptic Plasticity: Synaptic plasticity, the brain’s ability to adapt and rewire itself, is crucial for antidepressant effects. NAD+ regulates various signaling pathways involved in synaptic plasticity, potentially facilitating the long-term changes necessary for sustained relief from depression. This suggests that NAD+ supplementation could extend and enhance the antidepressant response to ketamine treatment.
  3. Cellular Signaling: NAD+ serves as a linchpin in cellular signaling pathways implicated in stress response, inflammation, and cell survival. By modulating these pathways, NAD+ may augment the downstream effects of ketamine on cellular function and gene expression. Additionally, NAD+ influences enzymes involved in neurotransmitter synthesis and metabolism, indirectly impacting glutamate signaling and contributing to ketamine’s antidepressant effects.
  4. Mitochondrial Function: NAD+ is intricately involved in mitochondrial function, essential for cellular energy production and resilience. By bolstering mitochondrial function, NAD+ supplementation could elevate cellular energy levels and foster the production of neurotrophic factors crucial for neuronal health. This enhancement of neuroplasticity and cellular resilience may potentiate the antidepressant effects of ketamine.
  5. Improved Tolerability: When NAD+ is co-administered with ketamine, it has the potential to reduce negative side effects typically associated with NAD+ administration, such as nausea and headache. As a result, individuals undergoing NAD+ therapy can have a more comfortable experience. Ketamine functions by acting on the NMDA receptor, which is essential for pain perception and mood regulation. By modulating the activity of this receptor, ketamine can help mitigate the side effects caused by NAD+ administration.


For treatment of depressive and anxiety symptoms, consider discussing infusion options with your psychiatric provider or contact us at (561) 531-7818.

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